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FFA Degrees

FFA members can earn degrees as they progress through the phases of their leadership, academic and career skills development. 

The Discovery Degree, Greenhand Degree and Chapter FFA Degree are all earned at the chapter level.

State FFA Associations recognize their top members with a State FFA Degree.

The National FFA Organization awards top members from each state with the American FFA Degree.

State FFA Degree
State FFA Degrees are given to the top members of the Tennessee FFA Association.  To receive a State Degree, members must have earned their Chapter Degree, and must meet the requirements listed in the Official FFA Manual.

Chapter FFA Degree
Chapter FFA Degrees are given out at the chapter level.  To receive a Chapter Degree, members must have earned their Greenhand Degree, as well as meet the requirements listed in the Official FFA Manual.

Greenhand FFA Degree
Greenhand FFA Degrees are given out at the chapter level.  To receive a Greenhand Degree, members must meet the requirements listed in the Official FFA Manual.  

Discovery FFA Degree - Not awarded in Coffee County
Discovery FFA Degrees are given out at the chapter level. To receive a Discovery FFA Degree, members must meet the requirements listed in the Official FFA Manual.  Because there are no agriculture courses taught in middle schools in Coffee County, students are not eligible for this degree.


2015 Sample State Degree - Completed Lindsey White 3/19/2018 1345 KB



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