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Regional Dues
Curious as to our budget? Wonder which chapters paid their dues last year?
View our budget by downloading the MTAP Dues file below.

The Middle Tennessee Awards Program ensures the continuation of the Regional Awards Banquet, regional events and other recognition within the region.  

Dues are $1 for each member that a chapter submits to the state/national FFA. 
(For example, a chapter that submits 75 members to the state and national FFA on their roster would submit $75 to the MT Awards Program.)

Middle School chapters pay a flat fee of $100. 

Remember that all students enrolled in agriculture education classes should be added to your roster since Tennessee is now an affiliated state. Your chapter will still need to pay $1 for every student. 
Dyersburg High School CTE (2021)

All chapters in Middle Tennessee are strongly encouraged to pay regional dues. Chapters who pay regional dues by February 15th will have all of their state and regional judging cards provided for them for the following school year. (i.e. Schools paying in 2020-21 will receive cards for 2022-2023).
Chapters who choose not to pay regional dues by the deadline will NOT be allowed to attend the Middle TN Regional Banquet!
Send $1 per FFA member and just the last page of your roster report (that shows your total amount of registered members) to Amy Garrison. An invoice template is listed in the below documents and includes the mailing address. 


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